knowing you fed them right, from the start

Starting life out strong
Hill’s Science Diet kitten foods support 5 essential building blocks for lifelong health.
A breakthrough blend of prebiotic fibers to support the gut microbiome and digestive system
Balanced minerals to support growing bones and teeth
DHA from fish oil to support healthy brain and eye development
Antioxidant blend of Vitamins C & E to support developing immune systems
High-quality protein for building lean muscles
Support the gut microbiome for lifelong health with Hill’s ActivBiome+
Every pet has a unique microbiome — an internal ecosystem composed of millions of bacteria and other microorganisms — that can influence every part of the body.
ActivBiome+ is a breakthrough blend of prebiotic fibers to support the gut microbiome and digestive system.
Areas the microbiome can help support

Know how much to feed your kitten per day
Use this kitten food calculator* to find a proper feeding schedule, and remember: size, age and breed are also factors, so check with your veterinarian first.
per day*
*Based on Hill's Science Diet Kitten Food Chicken recommendations
Be sure to “kitten proof” your home
Make your home safe for your furry new friend by hiding all electrical cabling or poisonous plants your kitten might try to chew.
Know what vaccines your kitten needs
From bordetella to rabies, know what and when to give for optimum kitten health.
Teaching your kitten the rules
Kittens are curious and active. If they are scratching furniture, redirect them to their scratching post, and praise them when they make the right choice. If they are playing with something they shouldn't, distract them away with a fun toy.

Get to know your kitten’s unique nutritional needs
Your kitten has very different nutritional requirements than a person, so make sure they have the nutrition they need for a healthy start.
It's always a good idea to spay or neuter your cat
The benefit? Fewer unwanted litters and fewer parental worries for you.